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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Billionaire - doesn't eat vegetables

Anybody who wants to find out how to make loads of money should watch the Money Programmes' documentary on Warren Buffet.

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This octogenarian investor is currently the second richest man in the world with a fortune of some $40 billion.

How has he done it?

Anybody watching the programme will be struck by how Buffet has shunned all forms of modern technology, fashions, trends conventions and stuck to what he knows and what he likes.

There may well be parallels with property investing.

How many unfortunate landlords ended up in the 'sh...i' after following volumes of property investing guides, manuals from so called property gurus.

The defining feature of Buffet is that every morning when he looks in the mirror he listens to his reflection rather than the background chatter that preoccupies the media.

This means that he has the conviction to follow his own rules when everybody else is saying that you are behind the trends. It also allows him the confidence to break his own rules when he thinks he needs to.

Landlords and property investors should take this on board and follow their own paths rather than trying to emulate others.

Whilst I'm keen to have some of his financial success I not sure of a diet of coke and steak would suit me but looking at the health of Buffet it clearly works for him.

I guess we are all different and maybe we should have more conviction to live our own lives rather than follow trends, fashions, fads and we will all be a little happier and potentially more successful too.

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