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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Letting close shave!

I was all set up for the final of my new tenants to sign up yesterday morning.

I was a little nervous. I hadn't been able to get in touch to arrange his check in because of an incorrect mobile number. Having finally spoken to him 20 mins before he was due to sign the tenancy agreement I was relieved to be able to talk to him. My immediate impressions were to confirm the letting agents description of him that he sounded like a pretty decent young guy.
So relieved, I duly arranged to meet up with him to go through the inventory and 'check in'.

Having barely relaxed back into my arm chair to carry on with my side project of putting on cookery courses in Bakewell, the phone went. It was the letting agent. They were trying to pin an oversight on me. They had failed to check with me whether the garage was included in the let. It wasn't but the tenant had been assured it was. He wasn't pleased at all! He phoned me directly and it was clear his annoyance was with the letting agent who had 'misled' him and not me. A little bit of fancy foot work and some comforting and sympathetic noises saved the day from loosing my tenant. I apologised for the confusion and explained that his car, unless it was made by dinky would have not fitted into the garage anyway. He seemed reassured.

A nail biting 30 minutes later a call from the letting agent to confirm that the letting was back on track. Phew!

The moral of this story is make sure that the tenant and the letting agent knows the demise of the property to be let. If the garage or shed or garden is not to be let then be sure that they know this at the outset. It will hopefully avoid a last minute hitch and a small heart attack!

Letting Referencing
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