Sarah most famous for her 'told you so' persona in Property Ladder has recently embraced the non bricks and mortar world of the internet with her website my single friends.
Not content with getting all her single friends married off her latest venture is Tepilo which promises to market property for rent and sale for free.
The site is pleasant enough even though it has one of those annoyingly contrived corporate names and does sound to me like a brand of sanitary towels.
Ask Sarah a question
It is even possible to 'ask Sarah a question' if you get stuck about any aspect of renting or selling property.
Now call me cynical but I some how just can't believe that Sarah's waiting around all day waiting to fire off her nuggets of advice.
I'm starting to think that the girl is perhaps spreading the Beeny brand a little too thinly.
Lets face it - she is no longer the blonde babe that she was. For those that don't agree have a look at here video on Lovemoney.
Having checked out the Tepilo site for properties in my area it came up with a pitiful two properties.
I'm afraid Sarah, the web is full of internet shipwreck of sites that were going to 'revolutionize' the way we buy and sell and rent property. I think that with this one she may have mistakenly landed on the snake, not the property ladder.
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