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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Landlords at Risk of Further Bites

I have found some strange things when visiting vacated properties.

Bits of clothing, furniture, books, cd's, letters, electronics, hair and scabs.

I've not yet been left a pet, thankfully. Unlike the American landlord who on arriving at a vacated property to clean up before the new tenants arrived, found a surprising bit of unwanted tenant property.

The landlord from the Wisconsin town of Beloit arrived a month after the tenant had vacated the rental property, only to discover a hungry two-year-old alligator in one of the rooms.

The landlord got the assistance of a local animal charity who took it in and said that although it was unwell it would probably make a full recovery.

The animal charity said alligators made bad pets. "They are going to look at you as food at some point," he said.

A further incident of tenants trying to take a bite out of their landlord.

The question is would this be covered under landlord insurance policy.

See our landlord insurance special rates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am losing mt 7 bedroom house.
no rents paid, all gone to LHA and crack dealers.

the Local Concil keep paying the crach heads more rent, the police keep smashing doors through, at MY expense. I cant keep on as a good Samaritan.

enopugh is enough, the scum must go.