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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Exodus of London benefit tenants

The Guardian warns about the changes in Housing Benefits driving out low income London tenants from high value parts of central London.

This could impact on the business of some landlords who have exploited the anomalies in the BMRA designations for the Local Housing Allowance (LHA).

Councils have warned that up to 82,000 households could be forced out of central London as private landlords replace tenants on benefits with more lucrative professional tenants.

Whilst I sympathise will anybody that might potentially loose their home.  Equally, I think that there is something a little perverse of the state paying for people to live in areas that most working people in the UK could not afford.

I'd love to live in penthouse apartment in Kensington.  Unfortunately, the modest income from rents on my buy-to-let properties and Property Hawk won't quite stretch that far.  Oh well - there's always the lottery.

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Darren said...

There are arguments for and against this. You other blog about landlord ripping of the housing benefit system is all so relevant.

As you point out the 8.5 billion is a large number not not close to the number it would be if the government where to house every one them self s.

We as a nation made a commitment long ago that there would be a safety net for the poorest and worst of in are country.

this promise is now under attack with the simple line it is not affordable. Am sorry but that is not an answer a solution or even a starting point. the welfare state is something to be proud of some thing that makes use a fairer better place to live than any where else in the world.

Yes it will be abused and its easy to pull examples of abuse out. But this is not the reason top create a capital where the serving classes are bussed in and then bused out at night. I like the new government but this will change my mind fast.

I am a top bracket tax payer and would happily take on my fair share of the cost of this system my family claimed housing benefit.

We need to find away to afford it just like we have in the past this is non negotiable.

Niro Sivathasan said...

Finally and thank goodness for the Coalition Government. It is utterly ludicrous that hard-working tax-payers cannot afford to live in certain areas/ zones of London, but their taxes are funding those who cannot (with some being 'will not') work, to live in those parts! If tax-payers have to relocate to different areas dependent on costs, jobs, etc, then those who live on social-handouts should definitely HAVE to do so. So many of us are in so much shock as to how this perverse injustice (of favouring those who do not contribute to society) has continued, at the expense of those who try hard WHILST having to accept the harsh truths of life in the process.