Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Media Gloat About Troubled Landlords and the Difficulties in the Buy-to-Let

Landlords, the media hate you and consequently so does everyone else.

The media likes to give the public what they want - and the public want to gloat and beat landlords with a metaphorical stick.

The media is full of articles from gloating journalists banging on about the end of buy-to-let, the pain and suffering and imminent bankruptcy of every landlord.

The public hate landlords so much because they think they made way too much money.

This is the time for 'Joe Public' to feel better about missing out on the opportunities of quick wealth. This is the pay back for that sense of failure they breathed in when sitting next to friends at dinner parties who were sat explaining how they'd made more money from their investment property than they'd made working full time for the past 5 years.

This is pay back time for those who missed the property investment boat.

So landlords on top of all your financial concerns, you will have to face the gloating and the sniggers behind your back.

'Mr Property Man is looking a little down' snigger, snigger.

It's time for landlords to toughen up and take the hit, landlords can't have the good times without the bad, and lets hope landlords will have a time to snigger again, whoever laughs last, laughs longest.

The one thing that history has told landlords is that economics moves in cycles but the long term trend for property is always up.

Landlords will have the last laugh!

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