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Thursday, August 14, 2014

PM3s creates repeat expenses

Another good idea from a landlord goes live!

You may have the same expense item every week, month or quarter for a property. PM3s already had a Multiple Expenses screen. We just added a repeat button, so you fill in details of the first expense, click Repeat, and the system makes copies of the expense, just changing the date.

Filling in the options above, makes the expenses shown below.


ncl698 said...

I want to set up a repeat expense, namely the monthly management fee, but I don't want it to show the next 12 months' worth yet....which is what happens if i select 12 repeats. is it possible for future repeat expenses to pop up only when they are due ie to schedule the expense?813

Jonathan Clarke said...

We haven't set PM3s to do that. We're trying to avoid making it too complex, and scheduling data creation for the future falls into that category. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between loans and interest?

Which one do I use for my mortgage payments?


Unknown said...

I've just been through the annual painful process of completing my self-assessment tax return, which inspired me to try out your software. I see that someone previously asked (in 2014) about monthly management fees, and your answer suggested that it's not possible to automate this. Has this been changed since then? I want to have my agent's 7%+VAT fee automatically added to the system.
Many thanks,

Hawkeye said...

Hi Paul,

Sorry, the systems still doesn't allow for adding management fees.

Kind regards PH