Thursday, November 08, 2018

Online property adverts refusing tenant on benefits

Take advantage of our discounted landlord insurance rates


  1. I'm the biggest HB landlord in Nottingham for 20 years. And even I now can no longer accept DWP tenants, with Universal Credit UC coming in. I have 4 UC tenants so far & all in arrears. 100% failure rate. Fix the problem, ask us why we aren't taking UC any more. I can solve it in 2.6 seconds. Bring back direct payment to Landlords. A 2 year old can work that out.

    1. Spot on how thick are these people!!until they do we all lose except the tenants they will screw you for thousands walk away leave there rubbish and be given a new house...disgusting...

    2. How thick are these people we all lose except the tenants they will screw you for thousands walk away leave there rubbish and be given a new house, disgusting ...
