Monday, May 16, 2016

HMO landlord fined for overcrowding

A HMO landlord has been fined £6,600 by Willesden Magistrates’ Court for failing to have a licence and for the poor management of her rental property. 

The House in Multiple Occupation was described as overcrowded and in poor condition by Barnet Council’s Environmental Health Team.

The eight bedroom rental house housed 11 tenants, but had no fire alarms, no fire doors and didn't meet the required fire separation between rooms. 

The property's poor state of repair included leak in the bathroom that had been dripping into a bedroom below and a second 'makeshift' kitchen set up on a landing - seen as a further fire hazard.

Khalida Khan' was handed a fine of £6,600,  council’s costs of £4,384 and told to pay a victim surcharge of £120.
Barnet Council are extending HMO licensing to include smaller sized HMO properties from July 5th 2016. 

For more info on Barnets' additional licensing for HMOs go here -

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