Monday, October 06, 2014

Croydon landlords face 'landlord tax'

Croydon Council could be the latest Local Authority to introduce a borough wide 'tax on landlords'. The so called landlord licence would be £1000 over 5 years or £200 per year.

Beauracrats to gain
The Council claim that the new licence will improve standards in rental housing in the Borough by dealing with with rogue landlords and improve the quality of housing in Croydon. How? As usual the only landlords to register will be the good law abiding landlords. Will the rogue landlords register. Of course they won't and will the Council have the resources to enforce the scheme...the answer again will be no.

The only real gainers will be the army of workers employed to enforce the scheme. Reports in the Croydon Guardian are that the costs for administering the scheme will be £4.56 million and employ 20 staff with the manager to be paid £80,000.  Good value for money?

Landlord insurance - expert brokers

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