Tuesday, June 24, 2014

London landlords embrace Airbnb

The Guardian's research has found many of the properties listed on the site are from professional landlords. Of the 13000 London listings,  6,600 were renting out an entire home or flat and not just a spare room, and more that 1500 people were listing multiple properties.

Some users have dozens of rental properties across the city, with one user listing more than a hundred.

The British Hospitality Association aren't happy with what they insist is unregulated competition.

"We are very concerned that large numbers of private homes are being let on a semi or even permanent basis to tourists because it's unlikely that any of these properties have ever had any fire risk or health and safety checks," said the organisation's legal and policy director.

"76% of fire deaths in the UK last year were in the home and if you have strangers staying there who aren't familiar with how things work, the risks could increase."

My thought is, it might be a way of profiting from a scheduled void period between lets.

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