Saturday, April 05, 2014

Chainsaw rent demand

Landlords looking at getting their rent back might want to look at the headlines in the Toronto Sun.  Apparently, a landlord in Berlin had completely 'lost it' and gone rent collecting armed with a chainsaw.

NOT ADVISEABLE!  even if it is somewhat understandable.  I've got a tenant who has decided stop paying their rent.  Unfortunately, my mortgage company still needs me to cough up the 'readies' each month.  You do feel like banging the door down or even cutting it down.

Instead in time honoured tradition I've served my section 21 notice and I'm now waiting to serve the follow up N5B.  Have a read of this Landlords Bible about filling out your N5B form seeking possession.  If you are still not sure how to do it feel free to drop a question about N5B on our Forum.

I'm afraid this is the boring but correct way of getting your property and your money back but it should avoid you been slung in the slammer for 'harassment'.

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