Thursday, March 20, 2014

Landlords don't trust government

Landlords are a diverse bunch of individuals.  I know this through research and personal experience of meeting many of them.  They can range from: whizz kid property developers, professionals with a single property to bolster their pension, to career landlords with large portfolios landlords who have tens if not hundreds of properties but outwardly look is if they would struggle to afford a drink at the bar.

One thing that unites landlords
Given the eclectic range of circumstances and personalities that make up the landlord community many outsiders struggle to make sense of any common ground.  Well I have it.  We don't trust the government.  Are we right to be so sceptical?

Recent experience
Looking at recent experience of governments.  We have one lot that told us that they had put an end to 'boom and bust' and proceeded to oversee the biggest financial melt down in history.  The same lot took us into a pointless war looking for a none existent bogey man in Afghanistan then only to realise they were here living amongst us all along.  Now the new lot want to build a massively expensive train line to 'connect' London to the North to turn places like Stockport and Wakefield into London commuter villages.

One more thought.  If any body below the age of 50 thinks they are going to be able to afford to retire before 70 think again.  Something that all governments don't seem very keen to talk about but something us landlords understand all too well!

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