Saturday, August 03, 2013

Are property investment courses worth it?

We recently had a post on our forum asking the question are buy-to-let investment courses worth paying for?  The short answer is NO and here's why:
  •  They are run by people who have no professional background in the area that they profess to be expert in.  They are simply 'average Joes' who may have brought a few properties and now think or try and maintain that they are a property mogul and experts and charge you to tell you how you too could be a fabulous success .....just like them.
  • They are normally overpriced and tell you pretty obvious things that you can find out for free on dare I say it websites like Property Hawk.
  • The people running the courses will try and then cross sell you services and products with a dubious list of characters who see naive property investors as easy prey.  You won't get a good deal and you probably will end up with something you neither want or need.
If you are going to spend out money on doing a landlord related course I would advise going on something like a RLA run course teaching you the legals of letting property.

You don't need to spend hundreds if not thousands listening to some self proclaimed property messiah to tell you what you probably already know.  So save your money and put it towards a bigger deposit.  That's your first lesson over and it will cost you just a mere thousand pounds.  Cheques payable to Property Hawk enterprises!

Landlords Bible - free 200 page guide

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