Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Use & abuse our FREE software

I've just been using our property management software PM 3.0 to complete my tax return.  I'd like to say that I'm incredibly organised and that it is for the tax year 2012/13.  It's not.  I've already incurred my fix fine of £100 and interest charges so I'm rushing to get it in.  I've just finished the land & property section within the software and I confess I've used and abused it! Using the data from previous years on finance charges from the previous tax year of 2009/10 and knowing that none of my mortgage rates have changed I can use the data from the previous year.  I've done the same with some of the other expense charges.  The great thing is I've still been able to add in the repair, maintenance and renewals costs giving me an on going record of instantly accessible costs for future referencing.  When I get a bit more time I'll add in the full data sets.  At the moment working hard to build up a new business in Bakewell so I have no time but still find PM 3.0 useful even if I 'use and abuse it'.  It's the great thing about free software you don't owe anything to anybody.  Give it a go and see whether you can 'use and abuse' our property management software for your own devices! Remember we are also now mobile.

Free property management software, Free tenancy agreements
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