Monday, November 05, 2012

Grand in your hand

A new scheme by urban regeneration specialist Urban Splash the developer of the iconic Fort Dunlop Building in Birmingham will give landlords a grand in their hand if they refer somebody who makes a purchase of one of their properties.

I've admired Urban Splash's work for some time and their latest redevelopment in Sheffield of the listed Park Hill flats with stunning views over Sheffield.

Urban Splash operate an incentive scheme where if you refer somebody who buy's one of their properties you are eligible to receive a grand in commission. Generous? I've no idea on how good they are at honouring this commitment so any feedback from people who have tried it would be interesting.

The area in which the flats are located in 'not the best' as you would expect.  But the apartments are incredibly spacious and starting at less than a hundred grand would I'm sure rent well although with over 800 apartments in the block you could be up with a fair bit of competition from other investors.  Landlords that do consider investing will have to look carefully at the service charges before committing to purchase. 
Buy-to-let finance - search market

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