Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hastings harrassed HMO landlords

and I deserve it!
Landlords in Hastings are complaining about an additional licensing scheme on Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

Landlords who fail to sign up for the scheme are been threatened with a £20,000 fine.

More than 70 local landlords met with council officials recently and voiced their dismay at the £800 fee to join up for 5 years.

Council officials do seem to love kicking landlords, I think it helps get some of their anger about public sector pension reforms out.

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1 comment:

  1. There should be an investigation into the fees charged by local councils. What "work" do Councils do for £800?. The cost of issuing should be put out to private tender and th cheapest companies wins. Local authorities should get £0.00

    Landlords such as myself, try to offer the cheapest possible accomodation, but you can't do this if you are paying for council bureaucrats.

    HMO (bedsits) provide the cheapest option. You have to do lots to make a property HMO compliant. Plus, if there are mistakes in HMO management there are penalties, threat of prosecutions and court fines are severe.

    The only reason council get away with it, it cause there is anti-landlord sentiment.
