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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Are you a property bull or property bear?

For those landlords who invest in property it can be a tough time trying to work out whether the housing market is set for even more of slump or whether the recent set back is the ultimate buying opportunity.

It all depends on whether you are a property bull or bear.

These terms borrowed from the stockmarket reflect levels of investment optimism. A bull thinks the market will rise where as the bear anticipates a falling market.

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At the moment we can clearly see the existence of both.

James Ferguson, a columist with the decidedly bearish Money Week recent article indicates that both affordability and the earnings to house price ratio is still well above trend suggesting that prices could fall by another 40%.

At the other end of the spectrum is Stuart Law of Assetz who has been a consistent property bull throughout the recent down turn. In one of his latest posts on his blog, he trumpets the fact that "House prices are growing again."

All I can say is that all of us and that includes landlords and property investors tend to find and read information that agrees with their own prejudices and preconceptions.

So maybe the answer is that the property bulls should spend more time reading the articles by property bears like James Ferguson and those with a more pessimistic outlook should take a dose of Stuart Law's output.

This way we all might get a little closer to the truth.

Are you a property bull or property bear? Post your comments below.

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